Attention Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Professionals...
God I.D.E.A Intensive (5-Hour)
How to Create a Profitable Business Unique to You
Supernatural Abundance of Prosperity
the Extraordinary Life you desire!
Unleash your Superpower in a way that Transforms your life
Unlock Success and Abundance
Become an Influential Leader in your Industry
Create a Thriving Business that aligns with your God-given Passion
of “Live Simply Abundant” and "The Duckers Faith & Business Podcast"...
As Business Life Coaches they use Kingdom Principles
to mentor and equip
leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals in order to
Create a Purpose-driven, Impactful, and Profitable Business.
With over 40 years of experience,
Scott & Julie left their successful businesses and careers...
Now they equip people just like you to unlock their God-given potential
Unleash your Abundant Life Now that you were Created for!