Attention Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Professionals...

God I.D.E.A Intensive (5-Hour)

How to Create a Profitable Business Unique to You

Save Over 98%

5-Hour Intensive for ONLY $27 (Value $2,000)

But ONLY Until Monday

November 27th at 11:59pm PT

The Fastest Path to Multiplying Your Impact, Profitability & Fulfillment

Uncovering & Launching a Successful Online Business

Idea Unique to You will Unlock...

Supernatural Abundance of Prosperity


the Extraordinary Life you desire!


Thursday, January 11th at 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

In this Training you will Discover How to...

  • Unleash your Superpower in a way that Transforms your life

  • Unlock Success and Abundance

  • Become an Influential Leader in your Industry

  • Create a Thriving Business that aligns with your God-given Passion

Scott & Julie Ducker are Co-Founders

of “Live Simply Abundant” and "The Duckers Faith & Business Podcast"...

As Business Life Coaches they use Kingdom Principles

to mentor and equip

leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals in order to

Create a Purpose-driven, Impactful, and Profitable Business.

With over 40 years of experience,

Scott & Julie left their successful businesses and careers...

Now they equip people just like you to unlock their God-given potential


Unleash your Abundant Life Now that you were Created for!

God I.D.E.A IntensiveUpgrade Your Order & Save!
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Add a 30-Minute Prosperity Session ($1,500 Value)

Special $47 ONE-TIME Offer: Meet with The Duckers Privately to Identify How You can Prosper at a higher level of Impact, Profitability & Fulfillment doing what you love

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Please select at least one item to proceed!

Leverage Your God-given Passion

without Compromising Your Freedom | [email protected]

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* Disclaimer: Results depend on a variety of factors including your own time, effort, energy and commitment.

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